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Visitor Management
Visitor Management

Security has become a matter of paramount concern every modern organization today. Visitor Management is one of the very important aspect of security management. Though it appears to be a very straight forward operation, getting uniformity in all the policies at an enterprise level is a complex job.

Visitor management refers to tracking the usage of a public building or site. By gathering increasing amounts of information, a visitor management system can record the usage of the facilities by specific visitors and provide documentation of visitor’s whereabouts.

Because a visitor management system provides a record of building use, these systems are frequently used to complement building security systems and access control systems. As electronic visitor management systems become more common and more powerful, these systems are taking over many of the functions of building security and access control.


Improves efficiency of the visitor Check IN Process.
Monitors visitor traffic and waiting times.
Effective Verification of visitors.
Helps in Prior Planning for Resource booking.
Visitor Categorization.
Better control over visitor movements

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